Re: Cook: Corbyn’s defeat has slain the left’s last illusion Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on December 13, 2019, 7:48 pm, in reply to "Cook: Corbyn’s defeat has slain the left’s last illusion"
I agree, but why did it take this election to lose our last illusion (hope in a political system designed to be unbreakable)? I recall a few days back everyone saying that on this board being slated for saying it, as though Cynicism toward hopelessness was the greatest crime one could commit. We saw it with every election since 96, both here and in the states. Power wins every time, if you play the devil with his own deck. It surely isn't too hard to predict. I got that life lesson from my dad in the 80s who spend 2 decades working for a mining giant convinced that if he got in here deep enough he could change their environmental policies to something half positive. When he quit and worked instead for an alt energy company he was much happier, because he'd realised you can't break the system from within. He surely wasn't the first to realise it, but by now in this Internet age I feel we should all be a little more savvy and a little less jaded when it's pointed out. Anyway, glad to see Jonathan cook touched on it and Galloway too. Maybe they hold a little more wait here than this punter.