Greta Thunberg endorses leader of Hong Kong Colour RevolutionArchived Message
Posted by margo on December 15, 2019, 4:05 pm
Error of miscalculation? Others who've asked XR to speak out for Julian Assange are told that climate activism is apolitical and does not get involved. Yet Wikileaks has released info on climate change ... and climate activists need a free and robust media to scrutinise and hold govt and corporate 'green' promises to account. Climate activists need fearless journalists and ethical editors and publishers, even though they may think they don't. In any event, it comes across as hypocritical or naive to speak for selected causes only, like the Washington-nudged Bolivian coup or Washington-friendly Joshua Wong?
Club des Cordeliers @cordeliers -- "Ruling class poster girl Greta Thunberg openly endorses leader of Hong Kong Colour Revolution".
Club des Cordeliers @cordeliers · Last summer, you'll remember, Thunberg did her part to promote the imperialist coup in Bolivia.
Note that Greta Thunberg is being used to promote the destabilization operation in Bolivia.
It's becoming increasingly clear that mainstream climate activism is only secondarily about climate, as such. It is being used as cover and pretext for a multi-faceted operation, directed by the Western ruling class, to extend imperial sway across the globe.
Using adolescents as figureheads is of course a PR masterstroke. Thus Greta was instantly excused when, "accidentally on purpose," she threatened to put recalcitrant [Bolivian] leaders against the wall. But her ominous message was heard by millions.
Wong's thread, explicitly endorsed by Greta, collapses climate activism and Colour Revolution activity into a single global youth movement. The rulers are fabricating a weapon to be used against any government or popular movement that stands in their way.