Requiem? Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on December 18, 2019, 10:47 am, in reply to "How, in God's name, could anybody think the NHS is a price worth paying to get Brexit?"
I very much understand your incomprehension but the truth is Der that the English are a bull (if not "pig"), headed bunch of conservatives...Corbyn's limp-wristed stance on Brexit and EU membership only served to convince them that the man is a vacillating narcissist whose only concern is the Socialist International (being a Puritanical atheist didn't help either), and there's something in that belief..(after all both he and Queen Latifah -Diane Abbot-, had no intention of legalising marijuana, a sure vote winner across the electoral demographic), Corbyn didn't even have to be pro the EU in all respects he could have articulated a vision of a devolved Britannia and a reduced Western European Union eschewing the imperialist Wider European Adventure and it's no d*mn use the doctrinaire clay-footed turning their backs on the issue and describing such a position as "marginal at best".....I can assure you that the notion that the EU (esp. Maastricht and NATO fuelled expansion), is equally responsible for the schism between ourselves and the continent is not the concern only of a minority but Corbyn's kind of Socialist does not value international institutions that are not wedded to Socialism (writ large), it has ever been to an extent the election was sacrificed to old-paradigm socialist intransigence.. it is one of the reasons that socialist involvement with the UN is "fringe" at best.....they lack the ability to engage always having another agenda..and given that working-class opposition to the wider union was the main reason for the Labour defeat there is no way that these issues should not now be at the forefront of British politics...they are driving us perilously close to economic integration with the U.S..similar was true of Corbyn's economic policies...there was no need to unveil a "five year plan" to nationalise/re-nationalise everything....he should have concentrated on the utilities and aired the idea of limited public ownership of manufacturing industries as-well...some mention of other plans but these need not have been specific and could have been aired and discussed during Labour's can't bang square pegs into round holes...immigration (esp. of cheap labour), from Eastern Europe was a primary reason for much working class opposition and in many ways rightly so as such represented the deliberate exploitation of the EU by corporate interests...surely such a perception is not a xenophobic one...the Eastern Europeans themselves would be better off without NATO and Maastricht Blair is pontificating about the loss hoping once more perhaps to inveigle his way into a position of influence (the criminal b*stard), ..So let's wise up shall we?..Both our electoral reform referendum and EU membership referendum were farcical...neither represented an opportunity for proper P.R option on the electoral reform ballot papers and none to address the systemic institutional problems with the EU on the membership ballot papers either....divide and rule...electorates presented with such "bi-polar" options are far easier to manipulate (in all ways), it's simple "divide and rule" totalitarianism...time to get our heads out of the a**ehole of the 20c.....what's been happening in recent decades is (by definition), juvenile..we simply can't afford to suck-our-thumbs anymore...