Re: Does it include the all-important topic: 'How to make anarchism actually work in a mass, industrial Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on December 19, 2019, 1:23 pm, in reply to "Re: Does it include the all-important topic: 'How to make anarchism actually work in a mass, industrial"
Except it was unlikely people were banished for speaking out of turn. The first rule of anarchy is no central governance. It then stands to reason that if we want an anarchic society we must first stop professing any belief in the system that prevents that, primarily because it will help us retrain our minds away from dependence on authoritarian rule. If we close our minds to arguments we don't agree with, there is no hope for anarchy, because unanimous decision making requires flexible minds. I haven't seen much evidence of that on this board in the last little while. I would say we're still largely in the mindset of mob rule, which is not the same thing as anarchist thinking. If there are no leaders, all perspectives must be honestly considered.