Re: Most muslims are brown or black, most Jewish people are white, guess which group Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on March 9, 2020, 10:30 pm, in reply to "Re: Most muslims are brown or black, most Jewish people are white, guess which group"
The fact remains that Islam and Judaism are religions. Does anyone seriously think any different? Unlike Islam Judaism has a matrilinial component: i.e. You're Jewish if your mother is, so if "race" is concerned with some kind of familial genetic commonality there could be said to be a "racial" element. In the real world of course, there's no real difference genetically between a Mizrahi Jew (of middle eastern origin) and a Palestinian Muslim whilst Ashkenazi Jews (of European origin) though having a restricted gene pool (-which like the Amish has lead to hereditary disorders)...indeed show both a European and an Eastern genetic inheritance.