Re: Most muslims are brown or black, most Jewish people are white, guess which group Archived Message
Posted by AlanG on March 10, 2020, 2:31 pm, in reply to "Re: Most muslims are brown or black, most Jewish people are white, guess which group"
You stick to your guns nicely but the fact remains that you can become a Jew by adopting Judasim as your religion (ask Ivanka Trump). There is not, cannot be, any such thing as 'Jewish blood ' whether from mum or from dad. The Old Testament records the history of the Jews through lists of laddoes not girlies. When it suits people to rewrite history they'll have no trouble doing so. Thus it suited and still very much suits the Zionists (as it did the Nazis) to consider the practice of Judaism to confer a racial identity. This must clearly extend to forbears and ancestors in the terms of the 'race' argument. In other words, as the above demonstrates, as soon as you accept that the concept of 'race' is meaningful, which I don't, you can make up anything you like about it. Yes, I really think that. Mind you I also think Israel has no right to exist...