Re: Multiple sources - week one recovery followed by Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on April 2, 2020, 10:11 am, in reply to "Re: Multiple sources - week one recovery followed by"
"Off Guardian for me now resembles Spiked. Ultra libertarian arguments which require denial of climate change and now corona virus and which serve the interests of the elite. There are ways to manage this illness which don't require authoritarian lockdown. Failure to engage or think about them is helping the government. Denial is crass and also serves this purpose." As with Corbett displays an inability to take any individual responsibility d....those things which compromise our immune systems should be rejected but that also includes (I now conclude re: Muz Murray), anti-biotics and vaccines ("palliative" measures to re-balance the endocrine system post use are, whilst apposite when used as such, no substitute for a fully functioning endocrine system that does not require such interventions); "there is no form of oppression that does not have as its solution the action of the individual" We abrogate personal responsibility when we externalise all threat to our autonomy..there is no notion that conditioned egoid responses are equally threatening (esp. in our image dominated and ephemeral "monetarised" modern society), ...and yet the effects of the application of the Enlightenment/Industrial Revolution paradigm confirm it to us constantly now......we cannot continue to use our manipulative prowess to dominate our environment we must learn how to control that sense Mahayana must defer to "Hinayana"..."Hīnayāna, (Sanskrit: “Lesser Vehicle”) the more orthodox, conservative schools of Buddhism; the name Hīnayāna was applied to these schools by the followers of the Mahāyāna Buddhist tradition in ancient India. The name reflected the Mahāyānists’ evaluation of their own tradition as a superior method, surpassing the others in universality and compassion; but the name was not accepted by the conservative schools as referring to a common tradition*. In one sense, all of the so-called 18 schools of ancient Buddhism are Hīnayānist, in that they predate the emergence of Mahāyāna ideas as a separate doctrine. The modern upholders of the ancient Hīnayāna tradition are the Theravādins (followers of the Way of the Elders), who are but one of the 18 ancient schools. See Theravāda." *Italics mine. #AtomicPhysics #QuantumTheory