Re: Covid suspicions, and predictions. I really hope I am wrong... Archived Message
Posted by Sinister Burt on April 26, 2020, 2:25 am, in reply to "Re: Covid suspicions, and predictions. I really hope I am wrong..."
Yes, it's a point i often make in relation to trump - just because he seems to be hated by part of the elite, doesn';t mean he isn't one of them in class terms - he's loved by other more paleo-con parts of it anyway (he says the stuff they daren;t in public), and they probably all apprecitae the function he serves. The 'elite' is varied and even has diversity of opinion and fight against each other (they'd soon find common cause when it's pitchforks time). I know about the bill gates sort of elite and the sort of superficially well-meaining liberal dystopias they seem to want; i can't imagine the dystopias envisioned by the (not small) elite backers of trump and co being any better (probably worse - the same but with more racism), but there we are. So there are elite scumbags who want to use the lockdown to do bad shit, and there are elite scumbags who want to stop lockdown to make money, and #### the dead old people. All versions of this topic have got their elite scumbags. Our government were fully prepared to go with herd immunity (the us too - based on the same models) - this wasn;t the whim of johnson or trump, this was the preferred plan for at least one substantial aprt of 'the elite' (seemingly overalps the same part that wanted brexit etc) - they only pulled this when the public backlash made them (ie closing schools after everyone stayed home, sporting events after they'd already stopped etc) - i think they thought their usual fanbase would lap up the social darwinism and they'd have the same 'populist' success as brexit/trump, but turned out even they had loved ones they didn;t want to die. As far as bill gates is concerned, yes he's a dubious dweeb, but he hasn't asked me to risk my family's life yet, so i'll give him a pass for now. I might have more to say on him and his elk when i'm told i need a tracing app/smartphone to go shopping (which i'm sure is coming). This makes no adds on whether i support lockdown until the virus is eradicated (though we woudln't have needed a lockdown if we'd have done it properly).