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    #2 Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on September 3, 2020, 1:49 pm, in reply to "XR Rebel Daily #1"

    Rebel Daily 2: If the trees die, so do we

    September 03, 2020 by XR Newsletter

    (Sign up to the Newsletter here)

    On the first day, we found our feet and planted them in our public spaces. On the second day, we really got down to business. Rebels moved like water to target specific sites of ecocidal atrocity.

    Manchester rebels expressed their outrage at fast-fashion giant BooHoo and the greasy GMA pension fund. In Cardiff, rebels painted sea level rise predictions in blue chalk paint onto shopfronts to evoke the very real prospect of most of the city being underwater by 2050.

    Online, rebels are flooding the personal inboxes of Boris and Cummings with hundreds of emails and repeated phone calls to No 10 and the Treasury. One rebel described their calls as a polite disobedient dance: “We all know the steps, but who knows what our collective dancing may do?”

    And in London, the corrupt, climate-denying think-tanks at Tufton Street were under rebel scrutiny, HS2 rebels delivered a massive, bleeding tree stump to DEFRA’s doorstep (and locked onto it!), and determined crowds succeeded in re-routing Boris himself.

    The Lightship Greta is on her way, taking some time to enjoy the leafy scenery.

    Our second day of Rebellion notably saw the CEE bill be introduced in Parliament – an achievement testament to the tireless work of many rebels and rebel-friendly folk from all across society. More on this below.

    We shouldn’t have to sit in the streets and get arrested for our government to listen to its people. Our democracy is all out of whack and unfit to deal with the crises that grow graver every day.

    Our world is in a truly dire state. Change must come, but it may be slow, hard-fought – and only time will tell if it’s enough.

    Can I u-turn myself out of here?

    Whatever happens, this team remains continually inspired by the countless moments of beauty which make XR unique. Whether it’s arrestee support waiting up through the night, rebels sitting peacefully in the road to be arrested, remote rebels keeping with us from all corners of the world, or the everyday acts of kindness and warmth which make our world worth saving.

    For a brilliant video of some of the day’s actions, see here. For beautiful photos, see here.

    UPDATE: As we write this, we’ve been seeing an incredible blockade of parliament in progress, along with a colourful roadblock outside the DHSC. If you want to help support these actions happening now, check out the London Telegram feed!


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