My life revolves around POOP!
Posted by cant go go girl on 3/29/2007, 8:44 pm
Like many who have posted on this site, I too am relieved (not in the way I'd like to be) to know I am not alone with this problem. It runs my life. All plans, including those of my family are affected by this. I have to say, finally establishing a 'routine' has helped. My routine, perfected over a couple of years, is this: wher I get up, (being careful not to sleep in too late) I drink coffee,eat a huge fibre rich bowl of granola, and then I retire to my computer and check my emails (and the hockey scores.) This seems to let me relax enough that the urge comes and I can go. Of course if my routine is changed, ( or I miss the 'right' time of day) or someone other than my husband or kids is here, or I have to rush out, or I don't have the computer, (sitting somewhere else and reading a book or even staying seated at the table doesn't seem to work) all is lost, but at least on the days when it works, I can go through the rest of the day without obsessing over not going poop. I reccommend trying this out, it may take a few months to get it to work, but I guess I've 'trained' myself! I have this desire to go poop every day, and not just any old poop, it has to be a good one - or else I feel all messed up and out of sorts, and worry that it will result in constipation, and a big bloaty belly that has a neon sign on it - this stomach is full of poop! Holidays are a nightmare, (we always go with friends for a week at a time). I look forward to them with anticipation and trepidation - and always take a carload of laxatives. I realized this was not only a physical problem when I was chock full of laxatives, feeling the gurgles and uncomfortableness in my gut, and still wouldn't let myself go!! The only laxative that truly works then is an enema, and that's not the most discreet cure, which of course becomes a part of the vicious circle. I finally had to tell my travel friend what was up, and I am wondering if it will make any difference this summer when we go away again, since she knows. My kids want to go on a 'big trip' and I should be so excited but the thought fills me with fear. I guess I could just suck it up and not poop for a week, but that would feel so awful. i just went to a gastroenteroigist, and she prescribed Zelnorn, I was so mad! I don't think a lifetime of pills are the answer but I get so desperate some times I could try anything. This tires me out so much mentally. Everybody else I know just goes and takes a crap when they want to. Thanks for listening. Reading, actually.