Took a dump today. Big one. I was struggling to get a constipated log out when suddenly diarrhea came out. How did that happen? How did the diarrhea get past the log that was already part-way out of the anus? Perhaps it's best not to speculate. It's just so boring. No tv. Just taking dumps and going to this boring job. I'd like to move. If this Dubai thing works out, that would be great. Otherwise...I don't know...have to try to pass that test so that I can work in the US, I guess. Just mix things up a bit. Can move to Asia. Don't even have to do steno, I guess. But then I'd have to teach English. I don't want to do that shit. Speaking of which, they have those squat toilets there. What a disaster. It's just gross. I guess it's more natural. Cavemen weren't sitting and taking a crap, they were squatting. But still. Just because cavemen did something doesn't mean that that's the best thing to do. There have been considerable advances in science and technology. I saw one of these squat toilets in Paris. Crazy stuff. And I know that they have Western toilets in, say, China. But I don't know how widespread they are. I think the public toilets are almost entirely squat toilets. But if you're getting a flat that's geared for foreigners, they have Western toilets. Of course, Japan has those high tech toilets. I don't know how prevelent squat toilets are there. I would think quite common because surely not every landlord and business owner is putting new high tech Western-style toilets in their property. Wow, there's a Wikipedia page on this. 77% of homes in Japan have Western toilets. That's way more than I thought. And that's for the whole of Japan, including rural areas. So for some place like Tokyo, it must be close to 100% Western toilet penetration. But yeah. I'd like to do something. Something more interesting than this crap. |
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