Here I was talking about ice cream and having the largest arms of any Finnish-American in South Glasgow when some genuine big news happened. Personally, I don't have a particular preference with this EU situation but if it means kicking these Muslims and gypsies out, I'm all for it. Sadly, it probably won't mean that. Actually, I suppose it does mean that I'll have to keep my Finnish passport up to date. I let it expire when I got the British passport because the British passport let me travel same as the Finnish one. But after the UK leaves the EU, I'll have to get a Finnish passport. And they're only good for five years, I think. And you have to register a bunch of data (like your address and shit) with some Finnish government organisation. All Finnish people are supposed to keep this government agency up to date on their whereabouts but I didn't do that because my whereabouts are my business. But now I have to do that. At least to get the passport. And then they put that shit on the little chip in the passport. I remember when I was getting British citizenship people saying, "What's the point, dawg? You're a citizen of Finland" and I'd say, "Well, what about if the UK leaves the EU? Or the EU just disbands? You don't know what the future holds" and they'd say, "Never happening, bro. The EU is eternal and the UK will never leave." I believe it was Lao-Tzu who said: Those who attain the Tao are weak in ambition but strong at work, their minds are open and their responses are fitting. Those weak in ambition are flexible and yielding, peaceful and quiet - they hide in nonacquisitiveness and pretend to be inexpert. Tranquil and uncontrived, when they act they do not miss the timing. Perhaps my favourite Lao-Tzu quote. Sums up wu-wei, sums up the Tao, sums up my existence. Have I ever missed the timing? I don't think so. I can't remember ever thinking, "I wish I had done this sooner/I wish I had done this later." It's all dead on perfect timing. Every move a right one. When you travel along the Tao, this is the inevitable result. Because now there will be a stampede of nervous EU immigrants trying to get UK citizenship. It will be a strain on an already strained system. Take longer to do. And maybe they'll jack up the price. Or change the laws. Nothing they can do to me, though. I'm already a citizen. Man, I wonder if there's a Finnish embassy in Scotland. Somehow I doubt it. I'm just thinking about this passport situation. You have to go in person to an embassy (or a Finnish police station if you're in Finland) because they take your fingerprints and possibly a picture. This shit all goes on that chip on the passport. Well, there's an Honorary Consulate in Edinburgh but I don't think that will work. That's just some guy's house, I bet. He won't have the equipment. Probably have to go to shitty London for this. Yeah, that's what the website says. It's probably years away in any event. So yeah, nothing affects me. Well, not negatively, anyway. By leaving the EU, I become even more employable to do jobs in Europe. Now if you want a deposition done, you have two options: hire a British person (who will require a visa) or hire a European who has full rights of movement throughout the EU. I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person in Europe who does this job and is a citizen of an EU country. So I have 100% market share. If you want a deposition done, and don't want to deal with visas, it's me or nobody. Speaking of which, I emailed that woman about jobs in the Middle East. I was concerned because I hadn't heard from her in a while. She said that there's no work in June because of Rammadan and it's slow in the summer generally. But anyway, yeah, because of this, my marketability, which was already sky high, now goes into deep space. I mean, the only person in all of Europe who can do this job without visas? That's huge. Even aside from that, I could do any kind of job in Europe. English teaching is the obvious example. Can't get English people for those jobs now. They need visas and it's a hassle. But I can do it no problem. Not that I would. But theoretically I could. Or just whatever. Go to Spain and work in a Subway. I can do it. British people can't. Pretty sweet. And the same applies to travel throughout Europe. Not that I travel. But I could. And easily. Visa-free. Can't kick me out. I'm a citizen of the Republic of Finland. And on top of that, I'm able to reap the benefits of a hopefully Muslim and gypsy-free UK. Man, that would be awesome. If we could find a way to also kick the Jews out, we'd really be on to something. So yeah, that's good shit. And if Scotland leaves, again, they can't kick me out because presumably Scotland would want to be a part of the EU. And I'm a citizen of the UK anyway. I don't think they'd kick English people out. How would they even determine who's English and who's Scottish? |
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