Hiroshima, Mon Frere. The most infamous episode of them all: the one where Wayne vacuums Kevin's hamster. Wayne comes off as a sadistic, animal-abusing lunatic in this episode, which is out of character. Wayne doesn't care much for Kevin, a trait the viewer can share, but he's not a psychopath. In this episode, he is. Difficult viewing. He threatens to throw the hamster out if the school bus window and later threatens to throw him down the garbage disposal. The actual vacuuming scene is relatively short and painless. The big moral of this episode is that Kevin can hurt Wayne back. But to illustrate this, all Kevin says is "nobody likes you" and then there's a dream sequence of a nuclear bomb detonation as though Kevin just obliterated Wayne with that simple sentence. It's not a particularly cutting remark, though. Had he said "you have a small penis" and it was somehow revealed that Wayne does indeed have a small penis, that would be an example of a devastating remark. But "nobody likes you"? "Who gives a shit, butthead? followed by pummeling seems the realistic result. Loosiers. This was a pretty good one. Title is based on 1980s basketball film Hoosiers. Kevin's gym class starts playing basketball. Paul is the worst player. It's embarrassing that he's always picked last. So Kevin complains. The teacher makes Kevin a team captain in retaliation for complaining. Kevin then picks all of the worst players. This embarrasses Paul, which is realistic. But he soon gets over it and everyone has fun playing, which is unrealistic. I had a similar experience. Identical, in fact. There was a kid who was team captain in gym class and picked all of the worst players. I was first to be picked and it was humiliating. I refused to even try, in spite of encouragemenr from a team mate. " I'm picked as a joke, I'll play as a joke". I hated gym class so much. I wonder if this event was inspired by the Wonder Years episode. I'm not sure of the dates. It may gave happened before the episode aired. Walk Out. I had fond memories of this one. Kevin inadvertently starts a school walkout. I won't spoil the episode. It's pretty good. Even has a chuckle or two. Nemesis. I was enjoying the time away from Kevin and the Women Who Love Him but now we're right back to it. I wish I could say it's crap but it was a good episode. Had some genuine laughs. Becky Slater is going around the school telling everyone what Kevin said about them. He was gossiping about the other kids to her during their brief courtship. It was nothing offensive, no small penis remarks, but for the sake of the story, you have to suspend belief and just imagine that Paul really would get upset because Kevin said he dances like a sea monkey. Also, in case you missed Kevin in his underpants from a few episodes ago, you can see it here. The rumours about Hollywood being full of pervert Jews seems to be true. |
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