Iain, Only been live for a couple of days, First tester mucked up the printer and ended up re-registering a vehicle which locked his card, took an hour to get it unlocked. I decided to do one, entered details and when the pc dialed up to register it didn't make it (server busy or recovering from a problem) so my card ended up with a "test" on it but no way of completing/aborting the test. Took nearly 2 hours to clear, no way of getting hold of Siemens (recorded message) rang VOSA and was told it wasn't anything to do with them and they couldn't help me. Third tester trying to register test results had to wait half an hour for pc to connect at 4.00pm'ish. Didn't get to speak to Seimens until 5.25pm only to be told that VOSA had invoked emergency testing and that SEIMENS were shutting the system down. Out of 8 tests booked, 3 didn't get touched - not a good day ! Regards Dave