You have been a member of UKAT from the early days, As have I. And in those days there was very little on the internet apart from IATN to help find the information we need to diagnose and repair modern vehicles.
You could say that most early members were at a similar level to each other and wanted to learn in order to progress.
If anyone posted then with little information or no meffort put in with tests performed, they would not have got much of a responce then either.
UKAT has become a casualty of its own success and a lot of people join just to get a quick fix there by avoiding having to put any effort in. And now with so many other Automotive forums being created and Google etc the Answers are out there if you can be bothered looking for them.
I earn my livimg from diagnostics, I don't do clutches, brakes or servicing. Most of my work is trade or trade referal. Over the years I have spent many hrs researching, studying and developing my skills to get me to where I am today. So I am not prepared to just give that away to anyone who can't be bothered putting in a little bit of effort.
I will however sometimes point them in the right direction. In Adrians case, surely the next thing to do would be to look up what his fault codes mean (which I did when I read Marks response). Once he has some idea of what they mean and he thinks about what might have happened when he cleared the trouble codes he is nearly there.
We once had a theory/education board on here although I think it had a stigma for aprentices so it failed to work, maybe we need one again. for new members.
Holier than thou no, concerned at the level of knowledge from a greater than is acceptable proportion of our industry yes.
Just my thoughts
M.O.M. Miserable Old Manc
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