"I do not see an individual struggle as a substitute for solidarity, or for battles won together with others. I feel that this is a big part of Peterson's sleight of hand."
No, he makes no such sleight of hand at all. The bulk of leftist criticisms of Peterson reveal far more about the critics than of Peterson.
The point he keeps driving home is that there is no excuse to live a life of making excuses, no matter what your excuse. In this age of broken families, Prozac, social media and unhinged PC dialectics, Peterson brings to the table what I and many consider an emergency First Aid Kit for the times.
PC dialectics encourages and amplifies victim mentality, there is no question about it.
Only strong and mature and wise and courageous people can change the world. You could amass a ka-ZILLION allies on Earth and the universe to fight the Dark Powers but if the majority of those ka-Zillion are brainwashed by PC/Marxian Dialectics it'll amount to nothing and worse.
Peterson is simply plagiarizing and repeating what all the prophets of old have said, which is, to paraphrase: get your shit together before you right the shit of others.
The reason Peterson is loathed by wannabe world savers is because he hits a badly exposed nerve.
Peterson's sins and errors lay NOT in his analyses and pronouncements, but in his shameless monetizing of his mission to the point of forgetting when to shut up. He's become a money-hungry windbag and, in the process, risks ruining so much of his best work.