...you gotta 'fight'... Archived Message
Posted by Si on July 25, 2019, 12:15 pm, in reply to "maybe he's just been poorly advised? Also he is a nice guy and doesn't like to offend anyone I guess"
maybe he's just been poorly advised? Also he is a nice guy and doesn't like to offend anyone I guess When all is said and done, his greatest offence has been to the Palestinian cause - and the immensity of that offence cannot be overstated. Nor is it something that can be walked-back - zionists never relinquish an inch of gained ground (Gaza may be an exception, but since it has been rendered a hell hole it's of little succour to Palestinians) Importantly, See John L's post http://members5.boardhost.com/xxxxx/msg/1564049508.html - it's not as though the IOF brutes needed such a thing, but I fear that that the massive zionist gains (they must think all their birthdays have come at once) during this period of JC leadership has emboldened them to commit ever more outrageous psycho-activities in the certain knowledge that there will be little to no criticism in the UK main - even when UK nationals feel the Zionist boot on their bones. I do have sympathy for JC. I know, as I am sure others here do, that 'debating' zionists is massively frustrating - - I was trapped in a car debating 2 of the creatures the other week and beyond a handful of zionist talking points, they had nothing, just ceaseless references to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem: that's something of a peculiar argument (I find) in that the upshot is; 'the Palestinians colluded to bring about the "Holocaust" so they can't complain that they are now having similar treatment enacted on themselves…it serves them right' - which couldn't be a clearer admission of guilt about just what it is that Zionists are up to in Palestine, really. And those 2 I had to contend with were lightweights compared to the full weight of world zionism with which JC has had to contend (don't ask where Milne fits in because as far as I can see he has been utterly without use). But JC's muteness when it came to calling out zionists and actively and unremittingly speaking up for Palestinians has been his greatest failing (imo). And it's too late to repair any damage now.
Message Thread:
- corbyn and that mural - an illustration of corbyn's dimwittedness, it seems - rippon July 25, 2019, 10:24 am
- Re: corbyn and that mural - an illustration of corbyn's dimwittedness, it seems - Keith-264 July 25, 2019, 10:56 am
- Re: corbyn and that mural - an illustration of corbyn's dimwittedness, it seems - Mary July 25, 2019, 11:05 am
- maybe he's just been poorly advised? Also he is a nice guy and doesn't like to offend anyone I guess - CJ July 25, 2019, 11:14 am
- ...you gotta 'fight'... - Si July 25, 2019, 12:15 pm
- Hansard - Mary July 25, 2019, 1:24 pm
- Bob Pitt on that mural - George Brennan July 25, 2019, 3:11 pm