I don't really care what excuse or reason anyone provides for Jeremy Corbyn's "failure" - because it's not HIS failure. THe fault is entirely with the dupes in the rest of the Labor party and the bent Zionists who have managed to destroy their own chance of being in government just so that a Zionist government can remain in power. By comparison with our recent election, in which a gutless and right wing Labor leader with little public support managed to lose the unloseable election, but is now replaced by the man who should have been leader, yet wouldn't have stood a chance of being elected. He has dared to say that he supports Palestinian rights, and even taken a moderate view on Russia and Syria. But now, even though the government only has a majority of one or two, Labor has keeled over in the face of the government's most delinquent bills, seeking amendments and objecting, but then finally giving in. But I don't know that they had any choice.