David, that those attacking and working against JC from within his own ranks are abominable barbarians is without question – but it’s not the point that I was making. JC roundly 'failed' to defend his supposed lifelong principles - - one of the main reasons he came under such an unremitting attack is because of his professed support for the Palestinians’ cause – and in his bid to ‘keep his head down’ – and ‘play for time’ he’s allowed a space for a whole new round of Zionist gains – the likes of which will delight adherents and supporters of the filthy genocidal ideology and practice. As I say, it’s improbable that those atrocious gains will ever be relinquished. You say, ‘the fault is entirely with the dupes in the rest of the Labor party and the bent Zionists’ – but no, they achieved that which they saw as their aim (or at least the aim of their paymasters and controllers) – they were, by their own terms, successful in that regard - irrespective of whether or not JC outlasts them in the stinking Labour party.