The point that I think both red and I are making, J and M, is precisely the idea of strong sceptic Archived Message
Posted by Rhisiart Gwilym on August 5, 2019, 7:30 pm, in reply to "Re: If these latest two mass shootings are fake,"
-ism as a matter of sound assessment. Of course it's a toxic mix, with genuinely spontaneous, and genuinely lethal, incidents performed by mentally unbalanced people for no sane reason, and - indeed - nothing to do with dirty manipulative realpolitik. But alongside that, as the evidence makes quite conclusively clear in some cases, and where it's suggestively uncertain in others, there's a string of events which smell strongly of false-flag/psyops, some of them spectacularly Big Lies. And there are plenty of historic examples now scarcely controversial, which demonstrate that such villainies are a long-time, standard part of amoral state-craft. I quite agree with you, Margo, that sober, balanced investigation as you sketch it in these discussions, can lead to quite reliable conclusions; that's certainly still possible, and should be always the default modus operandi. I just want to add on to that perfectly right, common-sense way of investigating and concluding, the further rule of thumb that deceit is now a high and capaciously tooled-up art, in the way that red sketches above, and consequently we need to work also from the principle that suspecting some deceitful action behind the 'official explanation' smokescreens is now an essential hypothesis, always. Always check to see whether something doesn't smell right; and if it doesn't, a psyop/false-flag is a front-runner explanation. Truly, I think we have to face the fact that we're now living in a new era of Big Lies. Both the proliferating sophistication of modern perception-manipulation, and the increasingly tough times, which mean that the gics will be up to even more than usually ruthless games... both these circumstances demand such a precautionary assumption. Naive to refuse to see that, just because it's so uncomfortable (as indeed it is). Regards, both!