Re: Course not. He knows he hasn't a leg to stand on. Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on August 8, 2019, 8:21 am, in reply to "Re: Course not. He knows he hasn't a leg to stand on."
'Helps the new world order agenda (more restrictions on personal freedom, greater powers for police, "defence" forces and security services), then again I assume its a scam. I'll bite; how has it done that to date? Are Americans being forced to register all their guns, dispose of automatics and semi automatics, and laws about rights to shoot aggressors being curtailed and diminished? If not (I believe not) then what? What it looks like using Occam's razor rather than a penchant for greater conspiracy, is all the freedoms guaranteed to Americans as a result of the nations militaristic approach everywhere and the desire to make Americans fear everything outside their front door has come back to bite them in the arse. The more fear consciously spread and manipulated, the more likely we are to collectively lose our minds and become the problem. You can't buy security, nor can you attain it by force. The more it is sought after, the less likely it is to exist at all. That of course doesn't mean not seeking security gives you security either. Just that trying to get it by arming yourself physically and constitutionally and by law tends to have the opposite effect. No need for conspiracy theories of the order of 'it's just a cynical perspective I have'; you can be cynical and sensible at the same time I think. Maybe the answer isn't even less guns (though it might help), but less fear is a harder issue to backtrack on overnight. The only way the government will gradually convince Americans they don't need them is by stopping the nonsense that they must kill (the rest of the world) or be killed first. That militant thinking goes back the other way, just as it did with returned Vietnam vets. The paranoia doesn't disappear when you get home.