Re: Have we bombed Poland recently? I must have missed it Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on November 17, 2019, 2:05 pm, in reply to "Re: Have we bombed Poland recently? I must have missed it"
On your point 6, I think you need to do better than to call sue's thoughts worthless. To refute the point you have to argue the logic. If you don't want to tease it apart, you're better saying nothing at all. If you do, I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts. My personal perspective is that teenagers are very impressionable, which goes as much for greta t as for shamima b. Like every person our thoughts are a mix of critical thinking and unchallenged outside views. Teenagers theoretically less mentally developed than adults (but changes so much because individuals probably difficult to find the norm). I'd give both the benefit of doubt in favour of sincerity of ideologies, and neither more or less unless I had met them and delved into those ideas further. Having said that, from the outside greta looks like a spoilt child (she is living a life currently not many get a chance at. Precociousness can be either fascinating or grating). The other looks like a disturbed child. Both deserve sympathy, understanding and hopefully some wisdom from those older than them. One is not a visionary or the other a demon, and neither need or deserve a spotlight on them from the cynical world of the mainstream media. As such my commentary ends here.