Re: Have we bombed Poland recently? I must have missed it Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on November 17, 2019, 5:19 pm, in reply to "Re: Have we bombed Poland recently? I must have missed it"
You have to use reason to declare logical thought processes. Calling something nonsense (or defying logic) without provision of your train of thought doesn't prove anything. As I said, I'm listening, but sue's comparison still has more consistency of thinking than your refute. If we can say one knows not what they do and the other we say knows exactly what she is talking about then we run into a logical problem of consistency of logical application. If age is relevant, then the criminal understands her position as well as the environmental saviour understands hers. Your disagreement offered is not logical. Saying that's nonsense doesn't prove why you think it's nonsense. So i would be interested to see your train of thought without you also declaring me as a defier of logic too. You will never win an argument by declaring everyone else in the room to be fools. Arguing your case will get you further.