Re: Have we bombed Poland recently? I must have missed it Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on November 18, 2019, 9:24 am, in reply to "Re: Have we bombed Poland recently? I must have missed it"
Climate change isn't a blindingly obvious subject. It is science, which is dry and often difficult to conclude from. Like you I have no contention with it, but I'd debate it's blindingly obvious. Greta may well have come to her conclusions (by being coopted by adults with an ideology) as shamima . That one is right and one is wrong doesn't boost the right one to an accepted idea that she's on the mark and therefore worthy to be listened to. What sue was debating was motivation. I think she believes that both are grown up and in full control and understanding of their positions. I think that ideologies (good and bad) are thrust upon children, and they shouldn't be fully accountable for them no matter what those ideologies are. I think you and I probably meet somewhere between, except that while I think sue's logic is sound, her conclusions are not ones I agree with (if indeed they are her conclusions). I don't think what she said was nonsense, but nevertheless, I don't necessarily agree with her line of reasoning. I'm just appealing to a better form of argument to make a point that is a difference of opinion. For me, I'd be happier if both types of young individuals were not exploited by adults for agendas that aren't that pretty for either. So, I think there is a correlation between the two (what is obvious, fair or kind and what is not is not my issue), but I'd go a different direction with my conclusions is all. Cheers