Re: One of my very greatest heroes. Up there with Shaksper and Milton! And when you think about it, you Archived Message
Posted by johnlilburne on January 2, 2020, 12:12 pm, in reply to "One of my very greatest heroes. Up there with Shaksper and Milton! And when you think about it, you "
I've got the Collected Poems. There are selections from 'Gaudete'. I'll have to have another look. Yeh, Hughes was Yorkshire, through and through. The Yorkshire of moorland and millstone grit. His sensibility channels back through the Celts of Elmet, back through the Bronze Age of stone circles, standing stones, cup and ring marks, back into deep time. His 'nature' is that of the sublime, of the powerful feeling of awe, which is a mixture of wonder and terror, which cannot be separated. His 'nature' is a living pulsating reality, where there is, as yet, no distinction between the material and the immaterial or 'spiritual'.