Re: How much did you lose betting that AI wouldn't beat chess & Go grandmasters & poker pros too? (nm) Archived Message
Posted by Tomski on January 20, 2020, 3:14 pm, in reply to "How much did you lose betting that AI wouldn't beat chess & Go grandmasters & poker pros too? (nm)"
To put in my tuppence worth : ), Rhis is railing against techno-narcissism and progress without limits. As he says: even if a few demo projects just about scrape into being before the Long Descent confines even them to museums of favourite-delusions-of-the-past Not a well defined bet, I'd say. Personally, I think it just may be possible to come up with something resembling self-driving cars - in terms of programming, within 10 years, but then one could ask 'So what?'. A more important point being that this techno-narcissism is hiding the truth that our society doesn't accept that capitalism has ran it's course and 'we' are not tackling urgent issues. See Rhis's post on energy which is apt: Cheers