Re: Rhys all this is known.... but irrelevant. Archived Message
Posted by John Monro on March 2, 2020, 7:42 am, in reply to "Anyone have any extensive knowledge of Mallen Baker's work? Working through several of his vids, I"
CO2 continues to climb exponentially. If there is a greater take up of CO2 by its "fertiliser" effect, then it's massively outweighed by the CO2 accumulating. Happer is a fraud - no better than Chris Monkton, he just disguises his ignorance better. To talk about a CO2 "famine" is just ridiculous. The basic premise - the real problem - of global warming is not what's happened to the planet in the past, but what's happening to the holocene, that relatively benign and constant climate post the last ice age in which humanity has developed all aspects of modern civilisation, has constructed cities holding billions of people, have expanded their number from a few million to 7 billions, have spread themselves out to occupy every ecological niche on the planet. It stands to reason that anything that upsets this relatively static state of affairs is going to cause problems. Plants have a more complicated relationship to their evironment than CO2 - water, soil, temperature, sunshine, wind, drought etc. All the CO2 in the world won't save a plant wilting in the droughty sunshine. However, Mallen Baker somewhat rescues his video later on. His final formula is that any supposed benefits of CO2 rise will be greatly outweighed by its effect on heating the planet and weather disruption. He doesn't mention sea level rise.