Re: Excellent indeed -- so why support the economically disastrous lockdowns? Archived Message
Posted by Sinister Burt on April 27, 2020, 4:11 pm, in reply to "Re: Excellent indeed -- so why support the economically disastrous lockdowns?"
To be fair to me, that was part of criteria 1 - my dichotomy was between that and criteria 2 (in which i was in agreement with you - these points do need raising, as dan and others on my 'side' already have). If i'm forced to work and i have to come home (I live with/look after my mum) to infect my mum, that wouldn't be good enough (i'm not in a position to move to a second home - i don;t even own a first one (we're council)). And at 44, i;m not risk free either - i don;t fancy taking the risk of going to work when i don;t have to (i get paid in full atm, but even if i didn;t, having to work to live still isn't enough reason to have to risk it (but this goes in general for capitalism in normal times)). I'm sure people feel the same about sending their kids to school, especially after the news about the uptick in children being affected in uk - if i felt we had the sort of government that could effectively run this vulnerable protection method i might think about it, but the current lot have been completely incompetent, and the policy has seemingly been lead by the need to conceal that incompetentce/unpreparedness (that's if it hasn't been entirely malthusianism all the way through). Seeing as it';s that very government and it's tame press that (aside from the window dressing of boris' speech today) is motivated to stop the lockdown for obvious capitalist reasons, you shoulnd't be surprised that i'm sceptical. The lockdown in the uk hasn;t been to protect the vulnerable - we're beyond that - it's to avoid calamity in overwhelmed hospitals, leading to many more deaths - this would be even worse for the economy surely. Like i said you make some importnt points (when divorced from criteria 1), and we shouldn't be sides on here - we should learn from each other to make synthesis (or something)