thanks Walter, your rebuttal points are well made.
This is the main one - Case fatality in isolation is totally unhelpful. Knowing the constant of acceleration due to gravity doesn't predict injuries from a fall without also knowing the height.
If because of high transmission 4 times as many people get it and in 5 weeks rather than 20 - 16 times as many people need emergency services at the same time - health service breaks.
As your other stat shows we are still doing far too few tests, which 2 months in is disgusting. The testing proposed is antibody (get back to work) not pcr (safe isolation for a small part of the population and disease control). This is not a public health proposal and demonstrates they still aren't interested in care of people.
20% transmission in households is no doubt correct but if no one in that household is exposed then obviously that transmission cannot ocurr. It's just fitting stats to an argument rather than a balanced appraisal. So many half truths or selective use of data in this way.
It reminds me of the work of climate change deniers. The only need is to sow uncertainty. If people on the other side are spending all their time rebutting the spurious and specious argument od deniers then it prevents serious discussion of solutions.
If the disease is minimised then there's no need to set up a testing program. If there's no testing program and effective ppe then the cull will continue in those parts of the country which have successfully avoided the worst so far.
If we had ignored the it's a hoax view point early on we would already be coming out of lockdown like New Zealand. Same people making the same arguments - I wonder why.