Thanks Mary. Yes I am only too aware of the machinations of local (Norwich) politics. I met with Craig Murray when he was standing for Norwich North in the 2009 GE. He was born and raised in Sheringham on the North Norfolk coast, hence the relevant connection.
He was holding a hustings in a surburban district of the city and 5 people bothered to turn up (inclusive of my wife and myself)! The only question raised by the other 3 was about traffic calming (speed bumps) in a specific residential neighborhood.
The background context for this particular constituency was that the long-standing Labour incumbent, Ian Gibson (an old school socialist who consistently voted against the Blair regime on every proposal of significance), was effectively deracinated by the faux expenses scandal canard.
In his particular case, it was for a trifling matter that most certainly did not warrant expulsion. He wanted to fight the charges but was talked out of it by his wife who was concerned about his health, particularly given his age (he was 70 at the time).
This effectively opened the door for the functionally useless drone Chloe Smith. Unlike Gibson who frequently attended coummunity functions within the constituency and actively supported progressive causes, Smith swiftly treated her appointment as a sinecure, entailing little to no engagement with her constituents.
Apart from being serially incompetent and an ethical vacuum, I believe that her annual personal expenses are amongst the highest of all MPs, which is rather ironic in the context of the Gibson allegations.