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    For Me or for Us? Another case of splintered modern society lacking internal debate and a clear Archived Message

    Posted by marknadim on July 21, 2023, 4:31 am, in reply to "Global ecological crisis, what should I do? "

    plan or support structure.

    The whole balkanisation of society - who are my neighbours? -, of families - in separate rooms on phones - and individual minds - fun / rest / work, work / fun / rest / work / work / (think a bit) / ....

    Goldfishing is another aspect of the same insanity-dementia-herdin: yesterday's news is today's chip-wraps on an increasingly fast manipulable cycle; eg Bozo the corrupt lying PM feted as Mr Jolly John Bull Brexit by establishment media ... hush, forget, look at that story over there, move on, cheer the leader ...

    I know the Q is about what "I" should do, but maybe it can't be considered in isolation of a person's relation to Us / society.

    Take a well-functioning Society - Individual relationship: what would that look like? What DOES it look like in cases that approach the ideal that live much more / completely harmoniously with the environment?

    The individual knows deeply intuitively how to behave as a part of nature themselves, because since a baby they've learnt from whole family and village. The knowledge is kept alive and passed on. Things that support that might include: primarily the self-evident lived experience of sanity-love-natural law; a supportive communicative netwrk; traditions; governance by wise folk ...

    We've lost that.

    Replaced by:
    Primary experience in the 'mainstream' in capitalist society is a very soulless work / play cycle, separated from contact on a meaningful level with other citizens bar a personal clique few, apparently inevitably cos we're heaped into larger battery-hen groups - a la giant secondary schools - with top-down security and establishment billionaire owned and serving media providing a 95% diet of plug n play virtual 'group' smiles / feelings / interaaction / analysis - 'medication time' - and general distraction as a replacement for true meaning / sanity based on a fair open equal critical analysis of our experiences.

    So of course we're fckd.

    Coming back to the Q, sorry! bit of a sleepless night!,
    - all those things like not flying (or much less); home insulation; going veggie; lifting one's arse and walking or onto a bike etc ... make sense and should have a rightful moral power that we make our own personal decisions on, in the absence of an active Us (chained to screens).

    - But, boring as it is especially in tbis group to say so, the essential key to Us all witnessing and acting together with logic and compassion on the meta bigger picture reality of self-annihilating disaster capitalism?

    Has to be: a Media Revolution that creates a new model, a people-owned transparent communication and care network with logic-sanity and compassion for people and planet avowedly embedded; and obviously
    banishing billionaire parasites entirely.

    This last has to be THE TOP Subject to bring to every discussion till it's understood and achieved.

    It's the only hope for a 'national / global village' that's in touch and able to make sane-compassionate group decisions.

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