Let me know when you get to Sandi Toksvig. Actually, she's currently touring. £22.50 for a ticket? You have to be crazy. Must be a lot of militant lesbians out there. Is she even a comedian? I'll tell you what's hilarious: my Youtube comments. I posted a real zinger today for a kid who makes metal detecting videos and has recently taken to including bible verses at the end of all of his videos. His latest video's big "treasure" was a rusty old Mercury dime. So I says: Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. -- James 5:3 Not even ONE like. I thought it was great. Early days, though. I've had better luck telling a video game Youtube who recently has taken to begging for money, "There are jobs out there. Next time you're on Craiglist looking for a used copy of Mario Paint, check out the employment section." That's up to 12 likes which is pretty good for a non-meme message on a only semi-popular channel which was written like a week after the video was posted. What else? I don't think I'm going to bother with Hsu on Tinder. She again suggested that we meet up for lunch on a weekday after I suggested getting coffee on a weekend. I just don't want to. Going to Edinburgh on a weekday and trying to meet her in that small window of time for lunch? I don't think so. Plenty more where that came from. It's the most populous continent by some significant margin, after all. So Yueshu replied. Sort of. I said it's nice that she kept her Chinese name and asked her what brings her to Glasgow. She says: Sorry to reply you so late...I didn't play this app yesterday. Umm...yes. So I dumbed down my message even further and asked if she's from China and how she's liking Glasgow. Yueshu clearly doesn't speak much English. But she's in the University of Glasgow or possibly a graduate of that institution. How is it possible? You see this all the time. These Chinese people cheat on the English exams (administered in China) and just everything is about cheating there. It's the national pasttime. Also got a reply from a Nigerian woman but when I learned that she was Nigerian I pretty much lost whatever small interest I had in the first place. Only worked one day this week. Well, I intentionally took two days off because I was sick. And tomorrow I at least get a £30 cancellation fee. That's a joke, really. Used to get £70 for a cancellation fee in London. But it's something, I guess. The other company doesn't even have cancellation fees and they cancel stuff on me all the time. I'm thinking maybe give the US a try. Maybe they won't even remember that debt. And if they do, what can they even do? If I'm self-employed, I don't think there's much that they can do. Did a case today where the woman was talking about how she wants to move to the US and how awesome it is there. And the place that she wanted to go was a small Midwestern town that I've never even heard of. Has 8000 people according to Wikipedia. So...yeah...there's stuff to do there. I mean in the US generally. And the houses are indeed bigger. Jobs pay more. More opportunities. Stuff like this. And I can do it without even marrying some desperate dude. Can just show up. What are they going to do? Nothing that they can do. I'm an American hero. Nobody ever asks if I'm Finnish. Or what part of the UK I'm from. It's always questions about American and/or Canada. I suspect that living in England so long, the accent perhaps sounds a bit Canadian to the untrained ear. None of that shit in the US. Just a regular person there. And nobody comments that this is a weird guy. People are open-minded in the US. Accepting. Non-judgemental. It will be an adjustment. Have to catch up with ten years of television. And it will cost money. Probably have to get a car. What a giant pain in the ass that is. |
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