I'm already done with WWE 2k15. I simmed about five matches, checked out the options, and realised that there's no fun to be found here. It happens. What's worse is when you spend money on games and this occurs. I recently bought Scribblenauts Unlimited for £15. When I first saw this game, I thought it looked amazing but it was only available for that Nintento handheld that isn't Gameboy. When I saw it was for now available for PC, I first looked for a torrent but couldn't find one. Then I thought, "I don't care. I'm buying this game." Played it for a few days. It's a kid's game. Of course they all are but this is like a 8-10 year old kid's game. And in today's world of unlimted free games, it's tough to really invest in a game. In my day, you'd get a piece of crap like Clay Fighter and you'd play it for months just because it was either that or your other two crappy Genesis games. Plus, you just wasted like $40 on this thing. But this WWE 2k15 debacle wasn't a complete waste. By browsing the other offerings on Skidrow's site, I discovered Mount & Blade. Then I saw some dude on YouTube raving about how it's the best game ever. When somebody says it's the best game ever, I take note. It's like Fire Pro Wrestling Returns. It's not just me who says it's the best game ever. Certainly the best wrestling game. It's universally accepted by every serious wrestling game aficionado that it's the best wrestling game ever. So yeah, Mount & Blade. It's actually the sequel Mount & Warblade: Warband that I downloaded via a torrent. It also came with the Vikings expansion and some other expansion. I've only played the Viking game so far. Indeed, it's pretty sweet. Best game ever...I don't think so. It's a straight rip off of Sid Meier's Pirates (1987). I'm totally fine with that. Pirates was an amazing game. Then there were at least two sequels which...didn't do much for me. I think I played Pirates Gold for a while but I didn't get the game until many years after it was released so that has an effect. And the last Pirates release was...not bad, I guess, but could have been so much more. That's what Mount & Blade. It's the Pirates game that we should have got. But there's no pirates in it. The mechanics are the same, though. You build a party, you can attack cities, you can trade, whatever. But there's a lot more RPG elements in Mount & Blade (which is cool) and just loads more shit. Adds depth to the game. That said...I don't know. Just doesn't work for me. I think I'll play it for a week. But here it is day two and I'm already realising that it's just a series of mini-games. That's what Pirates was too but...the original game was still somehow engrossing. But if we're talking best games ever, it has to be Team Fortress 2 (I've been playing since it's sequel Team Fortress Classic in 1999 and I still play TF2 regularly), Fire Pro Wrestling Returns (no explanation needed), and Sid Meier's Civilization 2 (played it for ages...the sequels all disappointed me...Alpha Centauri was pretty awesome but not technically a sequel). Crusader Kings II...I've played it a lot but I can't put it up there in the pantheon of greats. I'm not sure it will stand the test of time. Even now, I only play it in bursts. I'll play for a month or so (often when they release an expansion) and then quit for a few months. What else...you think of stuff like Super Mario Bros but personally, I didn't play these games as a kid. I was a computer guy. I played Super Mario Bros as an adult through emulation and it's good but I was playing a game 20 years after it was released. It still holds up, it's fun, but I like my games a bit more cerebral. That said, Team Fortress 2 is just shooting people. I don't know. I still like it. Smash Bros Melee is another example like Super Mario Bros where it's a technically good game, I enjoyed it, played it quite a bit, but I just can't put it up there with the best games of all time. Even Civilization 2, I have my doubts. It might just be in there because I played it so much and I also really enjoyed Sid Meier's earlier games of Pirates and Railroad Tycoon. But no way would I play Civilization 2 today. Even though it's the best in the series. It's just dated. And even though the other games in the series were deeply disappointing, they did add stuff to the game (albeit some of which is broken) to make it a richer experience. Team Fortress 2 and Fire Pro Wrestling Returns absolutely hold up today, though. |
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