23 year old male looking to move to Scotland. Saw this on Reddit's IWantOut forum. It's some douchebag, of course. A clueless douchebag at that. It's not happening. Take your "communications" degree and shove it up your anus. That's the only thing it's good for: deep clean toilet paper. But then some other clueless fool says, "Get a Master's degree there!" And the first clueless douchebag says, "Yeah! That would really solve a few of my problems! I think I'll do that!" Really? You have $50,000/year just lying around? What? You thought that they give loans and/or scholarships to foreign students? They don't. Certainly not to "communications" students, at least. "Communications" is called "media studies" in the UK, in case you didn't know what I was talking about. Almost entirely dreamers on that forum. You can count the doers on one hand. I posted a message recently on Reddit's relationship forum. Said that I'm almost 40, awkward and socially inept, went out with 100 internet women who all didn't want to go out again, and only had one long term relationship. I'm not particularly keen on this woman but she's nice and I like spending time with her so I'm thinking of asking her to move in with me because it's effectively a choice between her or a lifetime of solitude. You expect the usual "everybody deserves to be loved" messages. But there were only a couple like that. Most people effectively said, "Life is complicated, a lot of people settle, having a lifelong companion is a good thing, maybe you can have some kids, why the hell not?" These were also the most upvoted comments. My lady friend is coming here next month. Think I might ask her to move in. I mean, what's Tinder got for me today? An 18 year old who is probably a bot, a 26 year old who I'm pretty sure is a bot, and a 28 year old red haired woman who is almost certainly real but not a looker and has a surprisingly crappy job for somebody with a master's degree. But instead of focusing on matches, I should be looking at people who I've actually gone out with. That's the only matrix that matters, after all. In a year, I went out with one person: an unattractive Vietnamese woman who worked in a nail salon, lived far away, and didn't want to go out a second time. I see a lot of people who I went out with still single many years later. For example, despite all of her whoring, I'm pretty sure that P Wang is single. And she's ten years older now. Works in a video game wholesaler. You know? Total shit. Nobody met her standards. But one thing that internet dating has taught me is that standards are your enemy. If you're only going out with big-titted supermodels, you're never going out. But if you can eliminate your standards, you can out with a different painfully unattractive, unemployed, uneducated, single mother every night of the week. The only obstacle between you and an evening with another human being are standards. Where do standards get you? P Wang is a used up old Asian prostitute. Who wants her now? Nobody. If she'd defeated her standards, she'd be happily married now. So it's the same with my lady friend. And it's not even that far to go as it would be with the most of the internet women I've met. She's much more attractive than most of them, for what little that's worth. Not much of a conversationalist but that's alright. It just means that she doesn't expect much conversation in return. Not the smartest woman in the world, but who is? She's at least average in intellect. How much intellect does one need? I'm not looking for a crossword puzzle buddy. She's black. Well...hmm...it might take a while to think of some acolades to lavish upon the black people. Man, five minutes have gone by. Trying to think of achievements...inventions...great black people in history...anything. I'm drawing a blank here. I mean, let's say they invented jazz or the blues or whatever. So what? These are styles of music closely associated with cannabis use. I'm supposed to celebrate this? And many of the prominent musicians were womanisers and abusers. To hell with sports too. And again, some of the worst people. How many wives and illigitimate children did Mohammad Ali have? This information was curiously missing from his obituaries. And you have that dog fighting guy and there's just a list of sick degenerates. George Washington Carver didn't even invent peanut butter. It's a myth. What are the great African countries? Who were the great black leaders? Martin Luther King: womaniser and religious nut. You'll see "womaniser" throughout any list of famous black men. It also applies to most of the non-famous ones. The percent of black men who were raised by single mothers attests to this. There's really no redeeming quality. They're the most criminally-inclined people too. Most violent. Least intelligent. I mean, yeah, I thought that Sierra was pretty hot but mostly because she had big tits. My lady friend doesn't have big tits. Plus, Sierra was an idiot as any interview with her quickly illustrates. So...they're a problematic people. But getting back to my lady friend, it really is her or get a cat. It's tough to find a place to rent when you have a cat. But a lady friend is acceptable anywhere. |
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