Thanks to all for your responses which I have studied in detail:
Mark. Thanks for putting the meat on the bones re: fuel trim. Found it informative which I am sure will be of help to others.
Darren. Thanks for your offer. I do not wish to trouble you with this at the moment but may take up the offer later if you still have the vehicle. Yes I do have a Pico.
Glyn. Thanks for your encouragement. Will get the before and after vacuum figures on my next visit. Emission figures are at idle.
Lee. I have noted (belately) that AD suggests there is a schrader valve on this but looks different to what I have seen on early models. Will post fuel pressure figures if I can get into it.
Kev. This vehicle has been tested with a smoke machine into the throttle body. No leaks were found. Take your point about the rocker cover which I will check on my next visit although I would have thought the smoke test would have shown something.
On my next visit will check all the above points if I can. One good thing I have noticed is that I can conduct various tests with the vehicle permanately running lean by pressing the clear codes function on ACR4 every few minutes to reset ECU. Also customer appears happy to have mil on permanately because the car runs perfectly.
Pete M
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