Re: Dmitry O's latest: Going mad; or getting so frighteningly rational that many daren't follow? - Archived Message
Posted by Mr Peak on July 24, 2019, 5:30 pm, in reply to "Dmitry O's latest: Going mad; or getting so frighteningly rational that many daren't follow? -"
I don't quite know how to take his Apollo conspiracy thoughts. His last paragraph suggests that it is more likely that all involved in the Apollo programme decided to keep the "lie", than that it actually happened. But it only needs 1 person to defect to Russia (for example) and show how it was all a "hoax". They would be rich forever - both Russia (well the USSR at the time) and China at the very least would be highly motivated to root out any "hoax". Or was it all ironic? Except he is right about the Skripal fantasy.