Talk about sheep - Huge flaw. Archived Message
Posted by Shyaku on July 26, 2019, 7:12 pm, in reply to "Dmitry O's latest: Going mad; or getting so frighteningly rational that many daren't follow? -"
The apollo program was preceeded by the gemini missions and before that the mercury missions. Those were 17 manned missions in total and many more unmnnned, and the US never lost an astronaut in space until the space shuttle program, and that was a different vehicle, a different safety culture and not in space. So yeah, probably those were fake too and the US was unable to put a man in space, and so the ISS is fake too - oh wait, it has russians on it, that's OK. OK, so the Apollo program was preceded by a 100% success record and moreover, each missing building in the lessons of the prior missions, complete with triple redundancy sysems, etc. So of the 13 steps required to go to the moon, only half were specific to actually going to the moon. All the others were rehearsed and established in Mercury & Gemini and were near 100% reliable OK, so of the new step for going to the moon, all were rehearsed. Blasting out of earth orbit on a free-return trajectory was rehearsed by Apollo 8. Doccking with the LEM was rehearsed on Apollo 9. Apollo 10 rehearsed everything except hte actual landing and take off (apollo 10 rehearsed the detachment, over the moon, and reattachment of the LEM to the command module. Again, all lessons learned in these exercises were built into Apollo 11. So apollo 11 had just two new steps: landing and take off. That's a lot of fakery. Finally the apollo program has a 6/7 success rate because Apollo 13 failed. That is an 86% success rate, more or less the exact number he cites at each step: The 13th root of 0.86 is 98.8% reliability at each step of the process - somehow Nasa could not achieve this, yet had never lost an astronaut in space or experienced a major failure. And this guy Orlov is supposed to be a physicist? Another issue is motive. For 911 the motive became obvious afterwards with neocon wars. For Novichok the motive became obvious afterwards with sanctions. As for apollo - the USSR never had a moon landing program and the russians dont even to this day. The other thing about 911 and novichok is that is possible to destroy the evidence. With apollo .... ? Thats a long legacy of fake photos from future missions. - Shyaku