Re: Agreed, just looking at our extradition laws we are already subject to US criminal law! nm Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on July 28, 2019, 6:57 pm, in reply to "Re: Agreed, just looking at our extradition laws we are already subject to US criminal law! nm"
As a representative of that group, I'm ok with it, because sitting on hands is sonething for those feeling a little more comfortable. Lazy and reactive is what I said directly in response to your post which only echoes reality if you choose to ignore the last 25+ years. Instead, you've reacted to this not by way of defense of your attack, but by attacking again in a different direction. That's what I mean by lazy and reactive. Give some good clear examples of why remaining is so great, and why championing ignoring a vote of importance democratically speaking (particularly with our third non elected leader in a row), and you might begin to win at least some agreement from me (if you can show some clear positives that exist outside the bubble of thinking that says everything good exists only because of the eu and everything bad happens as a result of leaving). The reality of course is this is not true; the eu is responsible for some egregious acts, the U.K. Is responsible for others and history shows that when the uk disagrees with positive statutes of the eu, it simply ignores them. The eu is not a levelling factor keeping the wolves from our door, and never was. I know you know this, but don't like it being pointed out.