Re: Agreed, just looking at our extradition laws we are already subject to US criminal law! nm Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on July 29, 2019, 6:18 pm, in reply to "Re: Agreed, just looking at our extradition laws we are already subject to US criminal law! nm"
" claim was, which was similiar to Keith's. WHat I said was that by removing one group of rulers, perhaps there is a chance for ordinary folk to direct their energy towards enemies head on." -Which is essentially a claim that Brexit can make things better for ordinary folk. Motivate ahemm "empower" the punters by impoverishing them further by Brexit-shafting the economy? That's the theory? The Tory DHS were selling the "Motivate by Impoverishing" meme long before you. "...the UK govt blames the EU for stuff, and the EU supporters blames the UK govt." Not something I recognise. What I've actually observed has been a systematic campaign by right wing mavericks & the Corporate media to misrepresent the EU for right-wing propaganda purposes. In fact your new prime minister was one of its major operators in his five year stint in Brussels as EU correspondent for the Telegraph: making up ludicrous stories about EU regulations on condoms & bent bananas and how Delors "plans to rule Europe"...and how it was all a terrible danger to British Sovereignty...the kind of garbage little Englanders lapped up. This went on for years. Then we had the endless promotion of the anti EU demagogue Farage by the BBC pushing the same crap. "One of the things that bothers me most is the shitty democracy we have is getting shittier on the basis of the test pilot of the referendum; they know now (and with successive premierships) that they can dispense with the last pretenses of democracy and they still get barely a whimper from the population..." No. What they understand is that they can use the media to influence the views of a large enough percentage of voters to get the agenda they want with a drip feed of lies pumped to the public using the methods above and of course aided the illegal millions pumped in by Arron Banks and chums on social media, which is how they won the Brexit vote. "Trade will always come first between countries; Im not too worried about that." Oh right. The old "It will sort itself out" argument we have seen as dismissed by Boris and his ilk with a casual wave of the hand. You do realise that not only do you need an actual trade deal with the EU or 50% of your goods rot in the ports, but that most of UK trade with the rest of the world is on an EU basis? Not being part of that means you have to go back and renegotiate deals with all countries individually and as individual country you have hugely diminished clout. I live on a farm so take Dairy. The export of very popular UK Cheddar cheese to Canada is presently zero rated under EU agreements. Under the new Brexit dispensation a £500 block of cheese attracts duty of £1,200. That's mind boggling 245%... making the product unexportable. Other dairy presently at 0% ? now 293%. Terribly unfair eh? Now ask the Canadians for "Rollover Continuity" so it can all be as it was before and what do they say? "-Sorry no. Your "No Deal Brexit" allows nearly all our goods coming into the UK to be we don't have to do a thing. Heads we win & tails you lose, you mugs." That's one example of one product: jobs lost and people laid on the dole all the way from Dairy farms to cheese manufacturers to food distributors. You say "...if the UK has nothing to sell, which will be the fault of internal UK politics (not related to Brexit)" The above is just merely one example of having something to sell and Brexit destroying the opportunity utterly needlessly. "..And it wont affect the poorest, because all the flowing money and riches of the last 30 years hasnt either.." No? The Dairy farms don't have workers that will be laid off? (amongst the poorest paid in the UK) The cheese producers? -Honestly, the naivety is astonishing. "What I value above all else is the concept that if democracy is what is claimed to exist here, then it should damn well exist on *some* level." And on a site whose ostensible raison d'etre is investigating the power of the corporate media, here you are... lauding the Brexit vote which aforesaid corporate media both created & effectively gerrymandered... a vote which has now been turned into a right wing UK "No Deal" firesale...and is being orchestrated by one of the arch progandists involved: Prime Minister Boris who has now promoted the most extremist cabinet of my lifetime to push it... presenting Brexit as your example of "Democracy"that must be defended. Yea. They love you lot.