Re: Agreed, just looking at our extradition laws we are already subject to US criminal law! nm Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on July 28, 2019, 7:48 pm, in reply to "Re: Agreed, just looking at our extradition laws we are already subject to US criminal law! nm"
As a representative of that group, I'm ok with it, because sitting on hands is sonething for those feeling a little more comfortable. Oh? no matter that everyone agrees that what you are doing: Brexit will lose people their livelihoods and the impact will hit the poorest hardest? Give some good clear examples of why remaining is so great You're the one that claims doing something by this Brexit will somehow make things better for the ordinary Joe: tell me how? Whose food & safety standards are better? Whose market is bigger? how are you going to achieve trading with them on equal terms? What leverage do you have? how do you avoid dumping and the destruction of your agriculture... your manufacturing? how do you avoid losing the jobs that this entails and placing people in the misery of unemployment? How is it you think this can work? If you think it can, what is the plan to make it work? Is it really a realistic prospect for a unilateral economically disarmed state: which is what "No deal Brexit" actually means to expect fair and open trade deals with other countries or is it more likely that they see a country without options that has placed itself naked in the market & is ripe for the picking? You all say nothing on these matters because your views only stretch from anti EU sentiment to wishful thinking and the hope that Brexit will throw up some doggies chance you can grasp at: through scrabbs desired chaos, your delusional dreaming and Keith's weird notion that two thirds of the jobs will go but of course in a magical Kumbaya moment we will all share whats left with happy smiles. And who is going to push forward your dreaming? The bulk of the Brexit vote consists of elderly reactionary Tories, UKIPers, Faragists & EDL supporters: in short people whose idea of post Brexit Britain is the actual antithesis of yours. That's what I mean by " lazy and reactive... ": you provide no answers at all to any of these matters. It's painfully cultic this notion that Brexit "faith" will somehow bring us through- not only that, but to the fairyland of a left wing Lexit too: if we could only all have the same Peter Pan moment and just "believe" right?