Emailed my friend recently about the pronunciation of "police". I mentioned that I heard the guy downstairs who abuses his baby mama and baby yelling about the "PO-lease" and that I thought only black Americans used this pronunciation. So I asked my friend if she also says it although, I said I'd be surprised if she did. She said, "No, that's just another one of your generalisations about black people" and went on about how I'm racist and black people in the UK don't pronounce it like this. It's interesting, though. Because white American Southerners prounce it "PO-lease". That's why black Americans do. Even if they're not from the South themselves, their parents or grandparents probably are. It wasn't until the past 70 years or so that black people left the South in large numbers. You know, in 1900, 90% of the black people in the US lived in the South. Then there was the first of two "Great Migrations" that saw them move to the rest of the US in large numbers. Why couldn't those rednecks just pick their own cotton? They're the cause of all of this. Speaking of the "PO-lease" I called them last night when I was woken up at 2.00 am by the drunken friend of my idiot chav neighbour ringing my bell. Not the first time this has happened. It's about the 100th. But only the second time at 2.00 am. So I get on the intercom and tell her that if she does it again, I'm calling the police and to fuck off. She did it again. I gave it a pass. But then five minutes later she did it again. Po po time. Called the non-emergency number. Spoke to a pleasant dispatcher. Told her the problem. She said police would be driving by. Maybe 30 minutes later, the police are at the door. They've apprehended this drunken idiot and they were really trying to pin stuff on her. All I wanted them to do was to tell her to knock it off. Put some scare into her. But they were trying to close every case on the books. I was just in my flat while this was going on. I didn't want to get involved with this nonsense. Place was swarming with cops over a call about anti-social behaviour. Where were they when I was getting illegally evicted? So some policeman knocks on my door. I give him my ten second version of events. He asks if I saw or heard who it was. I said that I didn't. I heard from the voice of her yelling her side of the story that it was the same person who was ringing my bell at 2.00 three months ago but in truth, I didn't hear her voice during this incident and I didn't want her to get arrested or anything. I just want my god damn buzzer not to get rung. Especially at 2.00 by some drunk inbred. So the police left. The whole interrogration was like an hour. I appreciate that they came by and apprehended this dumb b###h but these must not be busy people. Then the police leave and I hear some guy who I guess is the boyfriend of the woman who lives in the adjacent flat say "you sort it out". I never see or talk to these people so I don't know who they are. Anyway, he was apparently talking about sorting out this drunk b###h because nobody said anything to me. Not even that black guy who beats his baby mama. He's usually the first one banging on her door to complain but he didn't do shit to me. He was probably just relieved that the police weren't there for him. Plus, I think that he's only a danger to women and children. I also complained to my landlord and asked her to complain to this woman's landlord. Different people own flats. So yeah, I'd do it again. Let's hope that this stops the doorbell ringing. Bonus points if this woman gets evicted. She's already on a so-called last warning from the last time her friend was ringing everyone's buzzers at 2.00 am. Imagine being that drunk that you continue to ringing a buzzer even after somebody says he's going to call the police if you do it again. And then waiting around for the police to show up. Madness. Speaking of which, still waiting for my cousin to respond about this Finland thing. I'd like to get on this thing. Time's a-wasting. |
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