They didn't really help, though. My idea was to buy a £25000 watch and move to a small town but he suggested that neither was a good idea. His suggestion was Helsinki and there has to be a better solution than the watch idea.
It's surely the same in Finland as the UK in regard to savings, however. If you have too much savings, they won't give you any benefit money.
He also said that there's a six month to two year waiting list to get public housing. Or council housing as I guess it's called in the UK. I've never bothered with that. Although, I guess I've been working so maybe not eligible.
Oh yeah, he also suggested that there are jobs in Helsinki that don't require Finnish. That's true, of course. Very low-paying jobs, surely. But whatever. So he shot down my idea of not working too.
So I don't know. Maybe I could do some depositions in Europe. There are some American shorthand companies that do depositions in Europe. I still get spam requests from one company always begging people to do such jobs and there are surely other companies. It saves a lot money for them not having to fly people out from the US. So could carve a niche out for myself.
But whatever, it would be nice to live in Finland. The public transportation is pretty good. Healthcare is always ranked among the best in the world. Maybe get something going with the hot women there. And if all else fails, they do have Asians. So it would be good. Learn the language. Get in touch with my roots. And I dare say that it's more impressive to live in Finland than it is London. Loads of Americans live in the UK. Almost none in Finland.
Let's see...are there demographics on this? Not as such, but 16,000 people have English as their native language in Finland. The overwhelming majority of these are probably British. About the same number as Somalian. Finland took in a bunch of Somalians during some civil war there. What a terrible idea that was. Zero Somalian speakers in 1990 and now 16000. 10,000 Chinese. On the plus side, only 400 Hebrew.
But 177,185 Americans in the UK. So whatever.
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