Tinder is really depressing stuff.
Saw a former co-worker today. She came up from London to do a job for this company that I used to do work for. They apparently are going to pay her the cost of the ticket plus £50 for travel time. That's eight hours of travel for £50. The company will get £225 for the travel time. Then she'll probably get £100 for doing the job. The company will get £250.
So it's a rip off. But it was good to talk to her. She confirmed that the place I used to work at no longer employs people who do my job. And she was saying that she basically just works from home now doing really low-paying work and it's difficult. Other former co-workers are doing normal jobs now in other fields because they were unable to get enough work.
It's sad. I mean, to come up from London for £150 plus the cost of the train ticket. That's a disgrace. The company will get £475 plus the cost of the train ticket.