Hey, new Tinder match. Just some heavily tattooed slut 18 year old pole dancer who has all of her "social media" on her profile. "Follow my Instagram!". Did you know that Boardhost censors the word "slut" now? This started maybe two years ago. Something like this. You can imagine the Boardhost board of directors having a meeting. "We need to keep up with the times. So let's continue with the same ridiculously outdated forum style we've been using for the past 25 years but ban a few more words that the young people find offensive." Anyway, going shopping tomorrow. Get some food. That's exciting. I haven't been eating that granola cereal on a regular basis in quite some time and yet my poop remains...I don't know the word...easy to pass. I used to have real problems with constipation. So I don't know. Maybe it just cleaned house. I haven't been having the enormous dumps that I got when I was eating a lot of that cereal but I still have pretty big loads. I really like that jalepeno bread too. I eat the whole loaf in one day. Get four (kind of small) sandwiches out of it. What a difference. I go to all of this effort to try new recipes out, the food ends up tasting like shit, and it's all a big disappointment. But all I have to do is try new bread for a tasty new experience. Or new cereal. I think that's the way to go. Just try new products. Of course, you get some real duds (e.g. Dr Oeteker pizza) but when you find something that works, it's all worthwhile. Wait a minute. I just remembered that I have some duck rolls in the freezer. I don't have to go shopping tomorrow then. I'll try these duck rolls out. I got them from Tesco. Frozen duck rolls? That's a product I never thought I'd see. I also have half a sausage, three strips of bacon, and bread that will be two days past expiry. So...that's enough for a day of food. Even if the bread is no good, I can just fry the sausage and bacon. And I have an unopened bag of Starburst so that's the sweets taken care of. I even have some Tango that I got today from Subway. So yeah. Instead of going to the shop, I'll stay in and do work-related shit. Make some invoices. And do the favourite part of my job: chase up deadbeats for payment. I have invoices that are over a year late. What scumbags. I'm going to have to threaten legal action. It's only a few that are really late, I guess. Still, I don't enjoy dealing with this shit. Just pay me the money, you cheap bastards. |
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