Before, you agreed we should change structures, now you say structure can never be changed by us because it should be organic - but these structures have already changed in history many times by the collective actions of people, spurred by the structural inequities in their period - people are organic after all. You then add the usual predictable stuff about individualism as a totem, as if socialism and democracy aren't also about individual freedom, at least in principle (and in practice live up to it more than liberalism/capitalism, unless you count the freedom to buy different colour socks and stay poor, or the lottery of 'social mobility'). Very confused. I'll skip most of what you wrote, but this:
"Socialism, as we can see all around us today and going back to post-Romantic psychosis in the 19th c., is less about nurturing individual senses/intelligence/personal responsibility, and more about indoctrination towards collectivism and ideology. "
is just nonsense - the socialism we see around us today? where the fcuk's that then? You'll be telling me obama was a marxist next. It is you who has been indoctrinated, seriously. I suggest reading some actual marx (or a reader) because you don't seem to have a clue what he said about eg individual freedom, or what socialism is generally - socialism seen through a glass darkly. Oh well, i'll leave it there - i enjoy some of our chats (more the spritual/religious stuff), but sometimes it's like arguing with ben shapiro (no offence )