Re: Those will be the jobs kept under Brexit. Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on November 17, 2019, 11:01 pm, in reply to "Re: Those will be the jobs kept under Brexit."
More accurately, they'll be kept either way. -There's the point. To say that these would be the jobs lost through Brexit as Keiths apologetics would claim isn't the case. The Military Industrial complex in the UK is an investment opportunity for the immoral. It goes all the way to the top of the social ladder because the UK elite structure is deeply traditional: meaning both colonial and rentier. Export guarantees mean that you can take a punt on whatever murderous tin pot dictator you like around the planet without risk. If the coup/ invasion/ foreign backed "uprising" fails its irrelevant because the UK taxpayer will cough up for your losses. On the other hand, if it succeeds, then your UK taxpayer secured largese will be refunded with advantageous benefits presented to you by the new regime. Its easy money. Brexit doesnt remove all this: It entrenches it because the decline of all other forms of manufacture lead to the expansion of the government guaranteed & sponsored export sector: which is essentially the arms industry.
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