Re: There was going to be a price to pay for the awful Brexit blocking behaviour of Labour Archived Message
Posted by Jamie on December 13, 2019, 9:05 am, in reply to "There was going to be a price to pay for the awful Brexit blocking behaviour of Labour "
Same old, same old... Psingh, if you believe that Corbyn didn't get in because he abandoned Brexit and lost millions of votes, would it, do you think, follow that had he kept Brexit on the table (ignoring the democratic will of the party), he would have lost millions of remain votes? The point is, he needed both Remain and Leave; an almost impossible thing to do. Besides which, the game changes and priorities have to too. I voted to leave the EU, but voted for Corbyn; there is not a chance in hell that I would ever vote for the Tories and Johnson and that so many did says a lot about this country.