No Jamie not impossible, as the 2017 Vote proved Archived Message
Posted by Chris Rogers on December 13, 2019, 5:17 pm, in reply to "Re: There was going to be a price to pay for the awful Brexit blocking behaviour of Labour "
Jamie, Not too sure if you kept a close eye on the narrative of what is Brexit, and how it evolved from the Remain camp from a nudging acceptance that the vote was valid, to one whereby a plethora of excuses were delivered to suggest in England & Wales the vote was essentially null & void, hence the need for a Second Referendum to ensure the UK never left the EU. We witnessed this play out in the Labour party from June 2017, when in excess of 80% of the UK electorate voted for Manifesto's committed to upholding the 2016 vote, both with hugely different visions, labour's being essentially a Norway Plus relationship with the EU - come September 2019 Labour's position, championed by the Centrist remainiacs, Dianne Abbot and John McDonnell was essentially for Labour to become an out and out remain Party, this throwing between 4-5 million of it's Brexit voting core constituency under a bus - it did not play out too well, we warned and warned and were lambasted. However, we now have the result and Labour lost 2 million plus votes from that of 2017 - we can see this clearly in the 28 pre-Election seats in wales, the moves are chilling, particularly the moves to the Brexit party and Tories. Oh, and there is nothing to gloat about, its a bloody disaster, one that could have been avoided had JC kept to his guns and retained the 2017 Manifesto commitment.