Re: No Jamie not impossible, as the 2017 Vote proved Archived Message
Posted by dereklane on December 15, 2019, 2:04 am, in reply to "Re: No Jamie not impossible, as the 2017 Vote proved"
But surely to any principle member or voter of the Labour Party, ignoring the will of the whole population supersedes ignoring the will of the party itself? That was my conclusion; I. A vote where all individuals votes carry the same weight, ignoring it is ignoring democracy in its truest form. As such, despite not voting in the referendum, I upheld it as being the right of the people to be honoured. I honestly don't know why so many on the left managed to fabricate an ideology that allowed them to think otherwise. Either you believe in democracy as being the o e thing that keeps us from totalitarianism, or you don't. You simply can't pick and choose on the basis of whether the result matches your own thinking. We can do that with general elections, because they are neither fair nor fairly weighted. Not so with referenda. At the point where every progressive thinker in the country should have been supporting the result despite whether or not they agreed, out of sheer principle, what we saw instead was slander, arguments about the nature of a referendum, and general attitude. The argument that ignoring the will of the party (untested anyway) ignores the priority issue; do you believe in democracy? If yes, then uphold the result. If no, then don't get excited about politics at all because it's a farce. Maybe that's the problem; trying to please too many opposing ideas at the same time. Imo honesty and straight forward was trumps everything else. I believe that was the biggest failure;,people knowing that corbyn was trying to please everyone at once. Be true to yourself and if you go down in a ball of flames, at least no one can accuse you of duplicity ! Cheers