directional disabilities
Posted by Sara on 11/18/2005, 6:08 pm
I apologize in advance for this being a lengthy question. I hope someone out there can relate to this...I have a problem that severely affects my life. I have what I am completely positive is a directional disability. I have only recently learned that this is a true medically recognized disability, and was overcome with joy at this discovery. I had previously felt as though I am the only person in the world with this problem. However, I feel that this is an issue that is not taken seriously. My friends have always "lovingly" joked about my non-existent sense of direction, but I never thought it was funny, because I've always known that there is much more to it than that. This problem is a major source of humiliation for me. After grad school classes, I make sure that I am the last one in the class because I don't want to walk out with people and have them ask me where I parked...because I don't know, and will walk around aimlessly until I come across my car. I have walked aimlessly around my college campus in tears, knowing that this isn't normal; I have missed appointments; I have walked the entire perimeter of the school that I have taught at for 2 years to go to a classroom that is in the next hall over. I have added literally hours to simple trips...because all roads look the same to me. I have no ability to discern one direction from the other. I have always done well in school, and was even in the gifted program as a child, but this problem makes me feel like the dumbest person in the world. I have looked, but have been able to find virtually no research on this topic. I would love to know if there are other people who suffer from a problem like this, so that I know that I am not crazy or dumb, but that I truly am afflicted with a real disability. I just don't know who to ask or where to turn. Thanks